
i offer batts and fiber assortments for sale. batts are $10/oz + $3. shipping within U.S. you can see a variety of my batts here. email me with your requests: linda@stoneleafmoonDOTcom
the somethinsomethins/fiber assortments: when i was a kid,
i used to love the packages i got in the mail from the h.e. harris
stamp company. i'd order the big bag o'stamps and when they arrived
i loved seeing all the variety of postage stamps from around the
those bags in mind, i decided to create these fiber flava packs.
they're filled with special bits of exotic this + that for spinners
and fiber artists to include in their drumcarding adventures, add
to their yarns and just generally experiment with. choose from packages
that are already made up, or make a special request! $25 + shipping for 3 oz of fun.
NOTE: these fiber packages are one of a kind, and not reproduceable. they're based on your color/texture requests, my mood of the moment and the fibers i have in stock.
thanks for wanting unique things and the supporting the artists who create them!
